Welcome to Mighty Coupons, where small businesses discover the secret to fostering strong customer loyalty. We believe that every interaction counts, and that's why we empower you with the tools to create compelling coupons that keep your customers coming back for more.
Create customized coupons for your customers, or let Mighty AI help you make the perfect coupons for your business!
Create your first coupon →Print and display a poster and ask shoppers to scan the QR code to receive coupons.
Try the Poster Editor →Your customers can make a purchase directly from their phone, and you will receive payment in your bank account. Our platform offers seamless integration with over 100 payment methods through Stripe.
Start a Free Trial →About 91% of consumers indicated loyalty to a seller that offers relevant discounts
67% of consumers determine where to shop based on whether or not digital coupons are accepted
Up to 75% of consumers consistently do research on the price
79% of consumers will not buy an item if they forget its coupon
Mighty Coupons is an innovative platform based in the vibrant heart of Los Angeles, dedicated to empowering small businesses to grow and succeed. We specialize in providing affordable tools that help businesses attract and retain customers through customizable coupon and membership programs.
For Business Owners: Boost your customer base and foster loyalty with our cost-effective, easy-to-use platform. Create and manage promotional campaigns effortlessly to attract and retain customers.
For Shoppers: Find and use exclusive deals and rewards from your favorite local businesses. Save money while supporting the businesses you love.
Join us in building stronger communities and thriving local economies. Whether you’re a business owner or a shopper, you’re in the right place.
24/7 We will answer your questions and help with your problems!
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